a person standing next to a bush washing a building

Exterior Building Washing

Make a great first impression on customers with our commercial exterior building washing service.

Commercial Building Washing 

Get a superior exterior

Men In Kilts approaches exterior building washing with an awareness that every property is different and may have unique needs. High pressure can be too harsh on your property, while soapy cleaners aren't often effective enough. Our exterior building washing team uses a soft wash process that is tough on dirt, grime, algae, and other debris while being gentle on paint, siding, and other surfaces.

Building washing may seem like a simple process, but it's far more complex. To deliver the best results, our team takes the time to determine the best approach. Our soft wash uses proprietary products to neutralize organic dirt and debris and then a low-pressure spray to rinse it away, leaving you with quality, lasting results. Put your best foot forward and make a great first impression with routine commercial exterior building washing from Men In Kilts.

Our team is ready to get to work, so contact us today to learn more!
Your Local Exterior Building Cleaning Team

The exterior building cleaning experts at Men In Kilts understand that each customer's needs differ. Our window washing company has the skills and knowledge to properly clean any surface without damaging it or causing more harm than good. We use only top-of-the-line products during every job, ensuring your property looks as fresh and new after our work is done as when we arrived on site.

Our soft wash process for commercial exterior cleaning uses a low-pressure spray of environmentally friendly detergents fortified with antibacterial agents. This method will not strip away paint from buildings like high-powered washers can in some cases. It allows us to safely remove dirt, grime, algae, and other debris while being gentle on surfaces around windows or siding, leaving you satisfied with quality results every time!

Men In Kilts also understands that commercial business owners have busy schedules, so they need their services quickly but effectively completed; this is why all of our commercial building washing services come backed by an ironclad plaid promise- if there's anything you're unhappy about just let us know within 48 hours & we'll make it right immediately!

a person standing outside a house
a person washing an apartment complex

our process
How we wash commercial properties

Our four-step process means you’ll always get the best results.
two people in kilts standing in front of a green van

Step 1

One of our kilted technicians will walk around the exterior of your property and evaluate the surface area to be cleaned.

a person in a kilt standing next to a green van

Step 2

We'll prep the area for cleaning. This includes taking any precautions necessary to protect your property during the cleaning process.
a high angle view of a building

Step 3

Our exterior building washing technician will choose the best pressure, oxidizers, and detergents for your property.
two men standing in front of a building

Step 4

We'll apply the mix, rinse away the dirt and residue with a low-pressure spray, and do a walk-through of our work.

your tough-to-tackle
Cleaning team

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Is extensively trained and experienced in commercial and residential techniques and processes.
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Makes regularly scheduled washing easy for property managers and can prepare a communication for residents about our upcoming services.
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Offers multiple commercial property and residential services to minimize the number of vendors you need to work with.
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Our plaid promise is to make things right, right away. If you are ever dissatisfied with an area of service, simply let us know within 48 hours and we will re-clean at no additional charge.

We can handle it all

Dirt and grime don’t stand a chance

If it's been a while since your building's exterior was cleaned, now is the time to act. You'll be amazed at the difference just one building washing service can make. Our professional team is ready to get to work.

We have worked with the following customers for exterior building cleaning:

  • Property management companies
  • Multi-unit communities, including townhomes and condos
  • Small business owners
  • Rental complexes
  • Maintenance and facility managers
  • HOAs
Reach out to us to schedule an estimate for your commercial building washing.
a person washing a building

our toolkit
The bucket and sponge days are over

Our toolkit is stocked with the best our industry has to offer.

Professional-grade pressure washers

To deliver the perfect amount of pressure for your building.

Innovative exterior washing toolkit

Allows us to quickly and easily clean tough-to-reach areas.

Low-pressure cleaning tools

To wash your property's siding and painted surfaces.


get started

How it works when you work with us

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Schedule your free estimate.

We’ll visit your home or business, assess the situation and come up with the best solution for your situation.
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Book your service.

We’ll show up on time and be ready to work. Plus, we’ll send you updates from pre-appointment to completion so you’re always in the loop.
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Check our work.

Your satisfaction is our priority. That’s why we conduct a post-service walk-through so you can make sure everything has been handled to the highest standard.