Men In Kilts Calgary offers exterior washing, gutter and window cleaning services that will transform your property. Our state-of-the-art equipment, highly trained technicians, and seamless customer service are second to none. You can rest assured once you spot our tartan kilts. After all, this uniform is associated with extraordinary residential and commercial property cleaning services. Our insured specialists will leave your windows and siding grime-, mold-, and dirt-free.

Our technicians utilize advanced technologies, including:

  • We inspect for debris, pests, critters, and more
  • High-suction wet/dry vacuums to eliminate dirt particles and hard-to-reach sediment
  • Water-fed poles to pump water through a purifying system (thus ensuring crystal clear windows without any spots or streaks)
  • High-powered pressure washers tuned to release water at a safe, consistent levels

Our eco-friendly products and supplies are also biodegradable. That's right: We're committed to cleaning the exterior of your home without harming the environment. Reach out today to request a free estimate for your home or business. Our locally owned and operated team will cater to your needs - providing customer-oriented attention backed by the resources and benefits of a big-name brand.

Our insured specialists will leave your windows and siding grime-, mold-, and dirt-free. Call us today at (403) 917-0426 to schedule your free estimate.